Dreams don’t always come true, but Omogolo is one that did. We bought the land in 2015 and moved there, living in a tent, visited regularly by a curious old elephant bull. We named him Omogolo.
There was nothing to speak of infrastructure wise. No roads, no buildings, no water - nothing. After many hours of sitting in the shade of camel thorns chatting with the local folks in the area, explaining our plans and building a relationship with the surrounding community, we started work.
Almost no wildlife was to be seen. Only spoor. And night noises: lions, hyenas, leopards and of course elephants. Over the years the animals learned to trust us and today Omogolo, while still in its infancy, is a beautiful little paradise providing water, grazing and browse outside of the recognized wildlife areas. Making more land available to the already over-utilized delta area.
Then came the hurricane. A turbo charged bush lover from Germany that went by the name of Caroline. Partners, then good friends, together we had a lot of fun taking Omogolo forward.
Then Covid! Two years of emptiness at Omogolo, which we managed to survive along with stress ulcers.
While it is sad to no longer be involved, having got to know Caroline, we are happy Omogolo is in her hands. Boundless youthful energy, and a passion for the place that matched our own. And with a new manager that is as much part of the bush as the animals themselves, Omogolo is on a good path.
Last, but not least,to our staff, who played a major part in making Omogolo the warm welcoming place it is today, a big thank you! A more decent bunch of people will be difficult to find.
Good luck, enjoy and re a leboga to all. Pula!